#!/usr/bin/env bash CHOOSE () { file=$(zenity --file-selection --directory --title="Sovran_SystemsOS External Backup - CHOOSE BACKUP LOCATION") if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi } SAGE () { time_stamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T) mkdir -p /home/free/Documents/External_Backup_Logs if ! ssh root@localhost 'rsync -ar /run/media/Second_Drive/BTCEcoandBackup/NixOS_Snapshot_Backup/hourly.0 /"$file"/"$time_stamp" 2>&1 | tee /home/free/Documents/External_Backup_Logs/{$time_stamp}_External_Backup_Log.txt'; then zenity --error \ --width=500 \ --title="Sovran_SystemsOS External Backup" \ --text="Error Could Not Backup." else zenity --info \ --ellipsize \ --no-wrap \ --width=700 \ --title="Sovran_SystemsOS External Backup" \ --text="All Finished! Please eject the external drive before removing it from your Sovran Pro." fi } ######### curl "https://git.sovransystems.com/Sovran_Systems/Software/raw/branch/main/Sovran_SystemsOS_External_Backup/External%20Backup%20Source%20Files/Intro.md" | zenity --text-info \ --width=1000 \ --height=750 \ --title="Sovran_SystemsOS External Backup" if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 else CHOOSE SAGE | zenity --progress --no-cancel --auto-close --width=950 --pulsate --text="Backing up now. It could take up to 4 hours for it to finish depending on the amount of data stored on your Sovran Pro and the speed of your external hard drive. Be patient..." --title="Sovran_SystemsOS External Backup" fi exit 0