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Custom Add-ons for your Sovran Pro

Add-ons are extra features you can have installed before your Sovran Pro is shipped to you.

There is Jitsi Meet that is available to be added on. Jitsi is a video conference software in which you send a web link to a video conference and anyone can join.

There is also Bitcoin Knots Node available to be added instead of the regular Bitcoin Node. Bitcoin Knots allows a special filter to block unwanted, unusable, erroneous, yet harmless data on the Bitcoin Block chain.

The code will be installed in the custom.nix file.

The code for Jitsi Meet is as follows: = {
    script = ''
     systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2 jicofo jibri   

    unitConfig = {
      Type = "simple";
      After = "btcpayserver.service";
      Requires = "";
    serviceConfig = {
      RemainAfterExit = "yes";
      Type = "oneshot";

    wantedBy = [ "" ];

  services.jitsi-videobridge.config = {
    videobridge = {
      http-servers = {
        private = {
          port = 8090;   

  services.jitsi-meet = {
    enable = true;
    hostName = "**CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME**";
    config = {
      enableWelcomePage = false;
      prejoinPageEnabled = true;
      defaultLang = "en";
      liveStreamingEnabled = false;
      fileRecordingsEnabled = true;
      fileRecordingsServiceEnabled = true;
      localRecording = {
        enable = true;
        notifyAllParticipants = true;
    interfaceConfig = {

  services.jitsi-meet.caddy.enable = true;
  services.jitsi-meet.nginx.enable = false;
  services.jitsi-videobridge.openFirewall = true;
  services.jitsi-meet.jibri.enable = true;
  services.jibri.config = {
    recording = {
      recordings-directory = "/run/media/Second_Drive/BTCEcoandBackup/Jitsi_Recordings";

    ffmpeg = {
      resolution = "1280x720";
      framerate = 30;
      video-encode-preset = "ultrafast";
      h264-constant-rate-factor = 40; 
  services.jitsi-videobridge.nat.publicAddress = builtins.readFile /var/lib/secrets/external_ip;
  services.jitsi-videobridge.nat.localAddress = builtins.readFile /var/lib/secrets/internal_ip;

  services.cron = {
	 enable = true;
	 systemCronJobs = [
    "*/15 * * * * root /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash /var/lib/internal_ip/"

The code for Bitcoin Knots is as follows:

services.bitcoind.package = pkgs.bitcoind-knots;